Residorm Student Dorms

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything that you are curious about Residorm…

In which cities the Residorm dormitories are located?
Balıkesir University
Çağış Campus
Kırıkkale University
Yahşihan Campus
Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University
Kötekli Campus
When can I visit Residorm?

You may visit our dormitories at any time by calling the relevant dormitory’s management in advance or make a virtual tour by clicking the dormitory of your choice at our website.

Which room types are available in the Residorm dormitories?

The majority of the rooms in the Residorm dormitories are for three students. However there are a limited number of rooms for one, and we also have disabled accessible rooms for two. Only in our dormitory in Kırıkkale, we have a limited number of rooms for four and six.

What are the room sizes?
Residorms Single Room Double Room Triplet Room Quad Room Room for 6 People Room for Disabled
Balıkesir (Girls Dormitory Building) N/A 24 m² 27 m² N/A N/A 26 m²
Balıkesir (Boys Dormitory Building) 28 m² N/A 25 m² N/A N/A 20 m²
Kırıkkale 27 m² 24 m² 27 m² 27 m² 36 m² 40 m²
Muğla 27 m² 22 m² 27 m² N/A N/A 26 m²
How long can I stay in a Residorm dormitory?

The term of the accommodation agreement entered into with each student that is to stay in a Residorm dormitory is 10 months. The annual accommodation fee paid under this agreement covers this 10 months’ period.

The term of the agreement starts on September 15, and 10 months later, in other words on July 15. If the final and mark-up exams are not finished by the end of the term, the term of the agreement will be extended accordingly and no additional amount will be charged for such extension.

The students are required to vacate their rooms and complete their checkout procedures within 2 days following the expiration of their agreements. If a student does not complete the checkout procedures and leave their belongings in his/her room, this will be interpreted as his/her intention to stay in summer, and the relevant fee will be charged.

Can I check in before the beginning of the term of my agreement?

All accommodation agreements have the same term starting on the same date. Considering the reasons given in the student’s application for early check in as well as the availability of the relevant dormitory, the management may allow such student to stay for a period up to 7 days before the starting date of the accommodation.

Are the rooms for female and male students separate?

Yes. Our blocks for female students and male students are separate*. There is a common gate with a security point that is monitored by security cameras, and then the female and male dormitories have separate tailgates.


*The female and male dormitory buildings in Residorm Balıkesir was separated in the 2014-2015 academic year.

Are there any common area in the Residorm dormitories used by both female and male students?*

For the female and male dormitory buildings, there is a common gate with a security point that is monitored by security cameras, and then the dormitory buildings for female and male students are separate and there is a separate tailgate for each building. Other than the rooms, female and male students may use the same study halls, the common kitchens, the TV, music and recreation rooms, the sport facilities and the lobby.


*The female and male dormitory buildings in Residorm Balıkesir was separated in the 2014-2015 academic year. Only the lobby and canteen are shared by the female and male students.

Can I choose my room?

We will help you to choose the most suitable room for you. If your reservation extends to the following year or you make a group reservation, you may choose your room, if the room of your choosing is available.

Can I choose my roommate?

At the final reservation stage, you may choose your roommate, if there is an available room. Also our reservation system will help you in choosing the most suitable roommate.

Who can stay in Residorm?

Every student of or over 18 years of age may stay in a Residorm dormitory, provided that he or she has enrolled to the university where such dormitory is located.

What are the amenities in the Residorm dormitory rooms?
  • • Separate bathroom and toilet in each room;
    • Personal study desk, chair, bed, and locker;
    • Personal dresser, reading lamp, and studying lamp in each room;
    • Wireless internet in the rooms and the common areas;
    • Telephone and hairdryer* in each room;
    • Mini fridge for the common use of three people in each room;
    • 2 personal secure electricity sockets on each study desk;
    • Nonflammable comfortable beds in hotel standards, sheets, pillows, and duvets;
    • Mattresses are covered with a fire retardant fabric, and they are spring beds;
    • Each bed is located above the personal study desk.**
    • Colorfully designed and decorated rooms;
    • All rooms have exterior windows and are spacious and light;
    • There is a scissor system on each window for security purposes;
    • There are curtains and insect screens on the windows;***
    • All Residorm buildings were built in accordance with the cutting-edge technology as well as the applicable fire and earthquake regulations; and the buildings are equipped with automatic fire detection, alarm, and extinguishing systems;
    • The Residorm buildings are environmentally friendly. The rain waters and the waste waters from bathrooms and toilets are treated and used for toilet flushes and watering the gardens. We also use solar energy and led lamps.


    *There is no hairdryer in the rooms in the Residorm Balıkesir, Kırıkkale and Mugla (only male block) dormitories.

    **In the Residorm male dormitory building in Balıkesir, there is no bed base; and the toilet and bathroom are not separate.

    ***There are no insect screens on windows in Residorm Mugla.

What’s the difference between the Residorm dormitories and the others?

Today Residorm is one of the biggest dormitory chain in Turkey, operating in three cities for the time being.

We have a corporate background, and we provide accommodation services to students together with our headquarters in Istanbul.

We take into consideration the sensitivities of the students and their parents, and spend our best efforts to create the most suitable accommodation model, in terms of comfort, health, security, price and socializing.

The Residorm buildings and student rooms were designed and built taking into consideration the students’ needs, security and safety.

The dormitory buildings are located in the campuses and therefore they are protected by not only the campus security personnel, but also the security cameras operating in the dormitory building both working on a 24/7 basis. Each dormitory operates as a part of the university where it’s located, and it’s supervised by this university.

Each dormitory has a personnel consisting of around 40 people, and they work on a 24/7 basis to ensure our students’ comfort, meet their needs and solve their problems.

The privileges and discounts provided to the students increase by the number of the years that they stay in the dormitories.

The Residorm dormitories do not only serve as a dormitory, but they also provide job opportunities to students, organize trainings, seminars, sports and arts activities and tournaments and support the personal and social development of the students.

In the academic year of 2015-2016, we will provide an accommodation and meal aid for 90 students for the first time to support their university studies.

Residorm is not a student dorm only, but a new world appreciating people, listening to the students and trying to find solutions to their problems, and spending efforts to support the students’ development in different areas.

What are the amenities and services provided in the Residorm dormitories?

• Security on a 24/7 basis (surveillance camera system)
• Controlled entry and exit (turnstile gates)
• Reception services on a 24/7 basis
• Wireless internet in all rooms and common areas
• Study rooms, allowing students to study in a silent environment or as a group
• Television rooms for watching the news, films, music clips and sports games
• Music room and recreational rooms
• Common kitchen (where students may cook their meals by using various kitchen amenities such as electric stoves, microwave ovens, toasters, and sinks)
• Canteen
• Facilities containing a supermarket, cafes and restaurants, etc.
• Hot and cold water dispensers in the corridors

What services are extra?

• Fitness center*
• Catering services for breakfast and dinner
• Laundry (to be charged to the room card)
• Purchases form the supermarket and the other stores
• Accommodation in summer (10% of the annual fee to be paid in advance)
• Linens, additional pillows
• Changing rooms (The first room change is free, and the second room change, which will be permitted if there are available rooms, will be subject to a fee of 70 TL.)


In the Residorm Kırıkkale, the fitness center is in the dormitory building; while in Balıkesir and Muğla, the fitness centers are located in the neighboring shopping facilities. 

Note (*): These services are provided at reasonable prices announced in September for each year.

Are there praying rooms?

Yes, there are praying rooms in our dormitories.

Do you have rules and principles like other dormitories?

We are operating as official dormitories of certain universities, and accordingly we have certain rules and principles. However these rules do not aim at restricting the students, but ensuring their harmony, respect to each other, security and comfort.

Can I smoke in my room or the common areas in a Residorm dormitory?

We don’t allow smoking inside the Residorm buildings. The applicable las and the campus regulations of the Council of Higher Education prohibit smoking indoors.

However we have balconies for smoking in every floor for the use of the students.*

* There is no balcony for smoking in the male dormitory building in Balıkesir.

Do you have a time restriction for last entry to dormitories?

The Residorm dormitories are located inside the campuses of the relevant universities, and therefore we need to comply with these universities’ decisions.

The last entry time in Residorm Balıkesir is 23:45. In Residorm Kırıkkale and Muğla, the last entry time on weekdays is 24.00, and 01.00 on weekends.

Is there limit for staying out?

Any student may stay out, provided that he or she fills in an application form for that purpose at Livinsoft. We will not contact the parents unless the student stays outside the dormitory very frequently or we hear alarming rumors.

Is there any space where I can host a friend, regardless of such friend’s gender?

You can host any friends in our lobby area.

Can my family members or friends visiting me rent rooms in my dormitory?

If there are available rooms in the dormitory, your visitors may stay, provided that they make a reservation at least 2 days in advance and pay the accommodation fee upfront.

Can I invite my guests to my room? Is there a limit as to the number of my visitors?

We can’t allow you to invite your guests to your room for security reasons. You should also keep in mind that the majority of the rooms are shared by three people, and your roommates and those living in the neighboring rooms may be disturbed.

Will you require me to make any payment to remedy any damage that I may cause my room, the common areas or the building in general?

If there is a damage in a room and we cannot determine the person causing that damage, all roommates will be equally liable for such damage. Any damage to the common areas of the building will be compensated by the student responsible for such damage, as determined by the dormitory personnel or the surveillance camera recordings (and this compensation will be deducted from the security deposit to be paid when checking in).


You will also be responsible for any damage that may be caused by your guests.

Are the Residorm personnel available on a 24/7 basis?

The reception personnel of the Residorm dormitories are available to help you on a 24/7 basis.

How do you ensure the security of your buildings?

Your security and safety are very important for us. Therefore all Residorm dormitories were built and equipped in accordance with the most recent earthquake and fire regulations. The security of our dormitories are maintained by not only the security personnel of the campus, but also our security cameras working on a 24/7 basis. Turnstile gates are necessary to enter any Residorm building and the floors where the rooms are located.


We are very sensitive about electricity and fire. There are fire alarms on the room doors and the mattresses are nonflammable. All areas are equipped with fire detection, alarm and extinguisher systems. There are backups of the fire pumps. In emergency cases, the escape corridors are illuminated by emergency lights. The electricity sockets in the students’ rooms are protected by leakage current fuses. There is a scissor system on each window to prevent it from opening fully. There is a generator for each building to power the building and the elevators in case of a power cut.

We continuously check and maintain the equipment that constitute a part of this secure infrastructure.

What are the characteristics of the Residorm buildings?

• Modern architecture, colorful and commodious spaces;
• Earthquake resistant buildings equipped with technological building materials;
• Fire detection and prevention system compliant with the fire regulations (a smoke detector and a fire extinguishing system in each room);
• Environmental friendly power consumption and solar energy system;
• Efficient water consumption supported by the treatment of gray water;
• High level thermal insulation;
• Secure infrastructure and hardware;
• Uninterrupted power system supported by generators;
• Leakage current fusses and safety measures against electric shock
• Elevators at a capacity suitable for the number of the students, and powered by a generator

What’s waiting for me in Residorm?

Not only comfortable and secure rooms, but also colorfully furnished common areas for students to come together, and shopping facilities to meet the students’ basic needs. We also organize various social, sportive and cultural activities throughout the year for our students.

Do you have wireless internet in your buildings? What are the speed and the applicable limit?

Each student has a daily limit. We use a fair quota system to prevent the students using the internet excessively from breaching the other students’ right to use the internet. If a student exceeds the daily limit, we don’t apply a penalty, but decrease the connection speed. Each student can connect to internet by no more than two separate devices at a time.

How can I use the telephone in my room?

You can call your friends in the other rooms of your dormitory by dialing their room numbers.


You can’t use these phones to make external calls, but you can receive calls from external numbers. Those wishing to call you at the telephone in your room are required to dial your dormitory’s number and then enter the code specific for your dormitory and your room number.

This code is 12 for Balıkesir, 11 for Kırıkkale and 10 for Muğla. (For example, if you are to call the room number 4013 in the Residorm Balıkesir dormitory, you should dial 124013.)

Do you provide catering services in Residorm?

We have common kitchens and dining tables for the use of our students. These kitchens provide the amenities for cooking, and our students use these kitchens to cook for themselves.


We also provide catering services in Residorm Balıkesir and Residorm Kırıkkale. We provide dinner and breakfast catering services on weekdays and weekends and you may benefit from these services by making an additional monthly price.

Do you provide bedclothes (pillow cases, sheets and duvet covers)?

Most of our students prefer using and washing their personal bedclothes, so we don’t provide this service. However if you need some bedclothes, you may purchase them at a reasonable price from the supermarket located right next to your dormitory. There will be a nonflammable mattress, undersheet, fiber pillow and fiber duvet in hotel standards for you in your room.

Is there enough space to keep my personal belongings in my room?

You’ll have enough space in your room to keep your personal belongings that you may need daily.

In the campuses where there’s a summer semester, will the Residorm dormitory be open throughout the summer? Or will I be able to stay if I’m in a summer internship program?

Yes. If your academic calendar is longer than the 10 months’ term of your accommodation agreement, you may continue staying in your room by making an extra payment.


Please call your Residorm for prices and more details.

Students who declare that they will make Summer Accommodation will be able to attend general maintenance, repair, arrangement, cleaning, etc. in the rooms during any week will be deemed to have accepted. Summer Accommodation fee is charged in advance.

How will I make a reservation?

1st Option: You may visit the Residorm dormitory of your choosing and make your reservation.

2nd Option: You may book a room at our website at and make your registration online.

Your reservation (the accommodation agreement) enters into force upon the payment of the security deposit. (Deposit price is the same amount as your monthly room price). This will serve not only as a security for any damage that the student may cause during his or her stay, but also as a deposit for the performance of the obligations under the agreement.

In the first option, this security payment may be made by credit card or in cash, while in the second option it may be made by online payment or bank transfer.

You may pay the Annual Accommodation Fee in advance when you’re making  your reservation or checking in your dormitory, or you may pay it in installments. In any case, you need to pay for your first month of stay before checking in.

(!) You need to present the following documents when making your reservation.


1) Student card or any other document evidencing the enrollment to the university
2) Identity card copy (You need to show the original of your identity card.)
3) 2 headshot photos
4) Medical report
5) Copy of the parent’s identity card
6) If disabled, health commission report

This security deposit (for damages and cancellation) will be used for remedying any damage to the fixed assets in the rooms and the common areas. If a part of this security damage is used for remedying such a damage and its balance falls below 50% at any time during the term of the Agreement, the student is required to make an additional payment within one month to ensure that its balance is 40 TL again.

What if I change my mind after signing the accommodation agreement and making my final reservation? Can I cancel my agreement?

According to the Fees and Obligations article in the Regulation on Higher Education Private Housing Services of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, “Those who leave the institution until September 15 receive 10% of the annual accommodation service fee determined in the service delivery commitment, and those who leave after September 15 receive accommodation service. months and the current month’s fee and 30% of the accommodation service fee for the remaining months.”

When will my security deposit (for damages and cancellation) will be returned if I leave Residorm?

If you leave for a legitimate reason before the end of the accommodation year and are entitled to receive the security deposit, you will receive your refund within one week. The security deposit refunds at the end of the accommodation year are made within 30 days starting from the expiration date of the agreement by a bank transfer.